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Registry Naturalized Subjects

Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)

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Name: Native of: Naturalized:
Sablan, Joaquin Guam 1870, Oct. 19
Sablan, Sylvester Guam 1870, Oct. 19
Sabry, Allen United States of America 1844, May 22
Sabsters, Samuel E. United States of America 1844, June 24
Sackett, F. United States of America 1865, June 3
Saffery, E. Great Britain 1844, June 3
Sai Sam China 1892, Aug. 19
Saint, Silas de Cape de Verd Isles 1854, Oct. 5
Saivie, Joseph Austria 1860, July 25
Saiz Pablo United States of America 1849, March 3
Salas, Domingo Guayaquil 1852, Jan. 5
Salmon, William Great Britain 1844, June 13
Sam China 1855, Nov. 26
Sam China 1857, Jan. 13
Sam China 1858, Aug. 9
Sam China 1858, Oct. 8
Sam ae Kua China 1868, March 6
Sam, Antonio Cape de Verd Isles 1845, Nov. 20
Samado, Pedro Cape de Verd Isles 1848, Dec. 27
Samoa, John Samoa 1892, April 25
Sampson, Charles R. Great Britain 1851, March 18
Samwi China 1863, July 11
Sancy, Manuel Western Islands 1859, Jan. 31
Sanford, H.M. United States of America 1862, Oct. 11
Sands, Robert C. United States of America 1869, March 13
Sanford, Fred. D. United States of America 1846, March 14
Sang Song China 1892, Aug. 15
Sangolia, Jau Guam 1853, Nov. 24
Saniola, Joe United States of America 1857, Aug. 18
Santas, Pedro Guam 1863, March 4
Santiana, Manuel Chile 1861, Aug. 8
Santos, Jose Guam 1855, Nov. 27
Santos, Manuel Portugal 1856, Jan. 28
Satter, C. United States of America 1856, Aug. 4
Sau Nam (no signature) China 1892, Sept.
Saunders, Edwin United States of America 1853, April 18
Saunders, Frank Great Britain 1856, Jan. 29
Saunders, W.T. Great Britain 1854, April 12
Saurin, Eugene Ireland 1847, Nov. 30
Savage, Thomas B. United States of America 1851, Aug. 2
Savidge, Samuel Great Britain 1862, Jan. 31
Sawkins, James G. Great Britain 1851, Dec. 22
Sawyer, Henry H. United States of America 1852, April 20
Sayer, Nathan F. United States of America 1849, Feb. 12
Sayre, George United States of America 1845, Dec. 15
Schimelfenning, E. Prussia 1855, Dec. 31
Schmid, H. Germany 1851, Aug. 2
Schnieder, H. France 1875, April 26
Scholtz, B.H. Prussia 1886, Jan. 27
Scholtz, Friedrich Silesia 1869, April 14
Schone, C.G. Germany 1854, April 18
Schrider, Franz Germany 1869, June 26
Schumacher, R.D. Germany 1864, Oct. 9
Schutte, W. Germany 1867, March 8
Scoon, D. United States of America 1855, Oct. 6
Scudder, Micaiah United States of America 1849, Oct. 2
Sea, Henry Great Britain 1845, Oct. 3
Seabury, J. Western Islands 1860, Oct. 12
Seal, W.R. Great Britain 1866, July 10
Seaman Batavia 1856, Jan. 3
Searle, John C. Australia 1880, March 6
Searle, R.C. Australia 1879, Sept. 13
Sears, Francis B. United States of America 1869, Feb. 2
Seberino, Joseph Portugal 1848, April 19
Seck Yee China 1892, July 28
See Kang China 1892, Aug. 19
See Quan China 1892, July 29
Seely, Jesse I. United States of America 1863, Nov. 25
Seidensbroker, George Germany 1864, May 11
Sen Shing China 1892, July 27
Sena, Francisco J. Cape de Verd Isles 1868, Jan. 6
Senea China 1856, Jan. 11
Serra, Phillip de United States of America 1846, March 10
Sevener, Manuel Western Islands 1864, July 25
Severance, H.W. United States of America 1861, Dec. 13
Severance, Luther United States of America 1858, Nov. 2
Sharman, F. Great Britain 1879, Sept. 10
Shau Nam China 1892, Aug. 20
Shaw, James Great Britain 1853, Nov. 15
Shaw, John Great Britain 1848, Jan. 17
Sheadeen, Sheik India 1850, Oct. 15
Sheen, Thomas Great Britain 1850, Oct. 29
Sheldon, Henry L. United States of America 1849, Feb. 3
Shelley, Percy B. United States of America 1845, July 15
Sheong China 1856, May 31
Shepherd, P.P. United States of America 1878, Sept. 17
Sheppard, John United States of America 1854, April 11
Sherman, E. United States of America 1881, May 10
Sherman, George E. United States of America 1844, May 22
Sherman, Horace United States of America 1854, Nov. 13
Sherman, John Cape de Verd Isles 1867, July 9
Sherwood, F.A. United States of America 1853, Aug. 24
Sheu Lun China 1892, July 28
Shoon Hing China 1890, July 7
Shuster, Adolph G. Germany 1845, June 4
Shute, Agar T. United States of America 1850, Dec. 14
Si Kan China 1858, March 9
Siedenburg, J.G. United States of America 1865, Nov. 18
Siemsen, T.F. Germany 1869, June 21
Silloway, John United States of America 1863, July 29
Siluoy, A.T. Western Islands 1858, Feb. 23
Silva, Andrew Cape de Verd Isles 1870, Jan. 8
Silva, Antone Western Islands 1855, July 4
Silva, Antone Western Islands 1868, Feb. 24
Silva, F. Western Islands 1863, Jan. 30
Silva, Frank Western Islands 1861, July 1
Silva, Henry Western Islands 1860, Jan. 20
Silva, Joe Western Islands 1867, March 20
Silva, John Western Islands 1854, Sept. 19
Silva, John Western Islands 1867, Feb. 11
Silva, Manuel da Madeira 1892, Sept. 8
Silva, Thomas Cape de Verd Isles 1867, May 23
Silvea, Manuel Western Islands 1859, Feb. 10
Silvi, Antonio Portugal 1844, Dec. 12
Silvia, Jose Western Islands 1850, Jan. 31
Simenses, Paulo Equador 1866, June 13
Simerson, W.R. United States of America 1853, Oct. 6
Simmones, William United States of America 1856, Sept. 6
Simmons, Thomas United States of America 1850, April 10
Simonson, C. United States of America 1851, May 23
Sin Moi (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Sinclair, Francis Great Britain 1874, Oct. 26
Sing Chee China 1890, July 8
Sing Chung China 1890, Oct. 14
Sing Kee (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Sing Loy China 1890, July 5
Singery, A. Germany 1856, Jan. 15
Sisson, J.P. United States of America 1878, March 20
Sisson, William United States of America 1849, July 12
Sitiana China 1856, Sept. 2
Skillings, Theodore United States of America 1849, Sept. 25
Sloane, James Ireland 1859, June 27
Slocum, John C. United States of America 1844, Sept. 26
Smart, C.L. Great Britain 1855, Sept. 26
Smart, John United States of America 1869, Sept. 8
Smidt, Charles Sweden 1870, Jan. 12
Smitch, Henry Great Britain 1845, July 24
Smith, Benj. N. United States of America 1858, Feb. 16
Smith, Daniel United States of America 1845, Nov. 22
Smith, Daniel Great Britain 1868, Jan. 24
Smith, Edward United States of America 1880, Sept. 30
Smith, Elijah E. United States of America 1875 April 8
Smith, E.M. United States of America 1850, Feb. 19
Smith, F.A. United States of America 1866, June 4
Smith, Frank Cape de Verd Isles 1855, Nov. 24
Smith, George Cape de Verd Isles 1854, March 8
Smith, G.A. United States of America 1853, Oct. 28
Smith, J. Mott United States of America 1852, Dec. 14
Smith, J.R. United States of America 1878, Dec. 2
Smith, J.W. United States of America 1853, March 4
Smith, James Great Britain 1844, July 3
Smith, James Great Britain 1849, Jan. 30
Smith, James United States of America 1853, Oct. 17
Smith, James United States of America 1858, Nov. 25
Smith, James United States of America 1867, April 17
Smith, James Great Britain 1869, Oct. 25
Smith, James W. United States of America 1851, Sept. 3
Smith, John United States of America 1844, Oct. 23
Smith, John Denmark 1844, Nov. 14
Smith, John United States of America 1846, Dec. 4
Smith, John Ireland 1851, Feb. 21
Smith, John United States of America 1856, Oct. 22
Smith, John Great Britain 1858, March 26
Smith, John Great Britain 1864, Dec. 27
Smith, John L. Germany 1863, March 17
Smith, Joseph Great Britain 1871, May 26
Smith, Joseph B. United States of America 1844, Dec. 16
Smith, Joseph H. Great Britain 1846, Feb. 12
Smith, Manuel Portugal 1844, June 11
Smith, Oliver United States of America 1844, July 5
Smith, Richard United States of America 1850, Sept. 20
Smith, Simon United States of America 1846, Sept. 28
Smith, Tom (alias Mehemia) Tahiti 1869, Nov. 24
Smith, Thomas United States of America 1848, March 6
Smith, Thomas United States of America 1855, April 17
Smith, William United States of America 1844, June 18
Smith, William Great Britain 1844, July 3
Smith, William Great Britain 1848, June 12
Smith, William United States of America 1851, Sept. 23
Smith, W. James Tahiti 1868, Jan. 17
Smithies, J. Newfoundland 1855, Sept. 13
Smitt, Alexander Great Britain 1868, Nov. 19
Smyth, G.M. Great Britain 1890, July 23
Smyth, James Ireland 1847, Feb. 17
Snell, A.W. United States of America 1848, March 29
Sniffin, Bennet United States of America 1844, Dec. 21
Snow India 1845, Aug. 6
Snow, Charles United States of America 1844, Dec. 13
So Yong China 1892, July 13
Soarez, Joao B. Cape de Verd Isles 1868, May 30
Soden, Bartholomew Ireland 1850, April 2
Sohrai, George Germany 1865, Jan. 11
Soizey, Manuel Western Islands 1848, Nov. 10
Sokim China 1857, Jan. 10
Soper, John H. Great Britain 1884, Sept. 29
Soto, Hose Chile 1851, May 8
Souan China 1856, Dec. 2
Souca, Francisco Western Islands 1869, April 19
Southerland, Elon G. United States of America 1849, Dec. 4
Southwick, Philip United States of America 1854, June 17
Souza, Frank J. Western Islands 1848, Oct. 26
Souza, Jono Manuel de Western Islands 1849, May 28
Spalding, Samuel C. United States of America 1848, July 28
Spangelina, Josh Guam 1856, Nov. 17
Sparke, D. Germany 1864, Dec. 5
Sparks, James Great Britain 1851, March 6
Spaulding, G.W. United States of America 1878, April 4
Spear, H.P. United States of America 1854, Sept. 30
Speckmann, D. Germany 1871, Oct. 2
Speiden, R. United States of America 1851, Oct. 6
Spelman, Thomas Great Britain 1850, Feb. 15
Spence, Charles M. United States of America 1887, May 13
Spencer, Ashford New South Wales 1867, Sept. 4
Spencer, Francis Australia 1862, Sept. 30
Spencer, G.F. Australia 1863, Aug. 4
Spencer, J.M. United States of America 1852, Oct. 25
Spencer, Noble United States of America 1844, Dec. 6
Spencer, O.B. United States of America 1874, March 3
Spencer, Rhodes G. United States of America 1862, Dec. 12
Spencer, Stephen Great Britain 1855, Jan. 4
Spring, Charles Friendly Islands 1852, Oct. 13
Squires, T.Y. United States of America 1859, Jan. 12
St. John, Henry Great Britain 1849, March 5
St. John, Sam A. United States of America 1850, Oct. 17
Stackpole, C.E. United States of America 1876, June 3
Staley, T.N. Great Britain 1864, Feb. 1
Standefer, J.M. United States of America 1853, Oct. 6
Stanley, R.H. United States of America 1861, Feb. 4
Stapenhorst, Florens Prussia 1853, Aug. 25
Starkey, Charles E. United States of America 1844, July 12
Starr, Peter Chile 1848, Nov. 25
Stember, John F. United States of America 1845, Jan. 23
Steel, James M. United States of America 1844, July 24
Steinke, Fritz Prussia 1871, Feb. 6
Stelling, John H. United States of America 1889, July 6
Stenbeck, John Germany 1849, Dec. 28
Stephenson, W.H. Great Britain 1864, June 9
Sterling, Robert Great Britain 1868, Jan. 24
Sterns, R.S. United States of America 1881, Nov. 3
Stevens, F. United States of America 1851, June 11
Stewart, Charles P. United States of America 1847, March 30
Stewart, George M. United States of America 1852, Oct. 20
Stidolph, William H. Great Britain 1845, July 30
Stiles, Wyman United States of America 1850, Nov. 25
Still, R.S. Great Britain 1850, Oct. 17
Stilwell, Chase United States of America 1865, May 20
Stocker, A. Germany 1853, May 30
Stokes, John Great Britain 1845, Nov. 10
Stolz, Louis H. Buenos Ayres 1884, July 29
Stone, Joseph F. United States of America 1844, June 21
Stone, William H. United States of America 1887, June 24
Storey, Samuel United States of America 1859, Aug. 31
Strafz, H. Germany 1860, July 28
Stretz, Ed. Prussia 1863, July 29
Stupmann, Otto Prussia 1870, Dec. 3
Sturpek, C.S. Germany 1854, Feb. 22
Sturt, Frederick Great Britain 1847, Aug. 21
Sue China 1856, Aug. 5
Sullivan, John B. United States of America 1859, Nov. 19
Sumpson, F. Great Britain 1855, Dec. 18
Sunter, Albert United States of America 1870, June 3
Surnoto, J.P. Western Islands 1860, Oct. 31
Suwan China 1856, Jan. 18
Swain, Francis B. United States of America 1855, Dec. 31
Swain, Louis E. United States of America 1868, April 20
Swan, James United States of America 1881, July 6
Swan, Lyman United States of America 1851, Nov. 6
Swimley, J.A. United States of America 1855, Oct. 15
Swinton, Henry S. Great Britain 1844, March 25
Sylva, Antonio G. Western Islands 1859, Feb. 2
Sylva, Charles Western Islands 1861, Feb. 14
Sylva, Frank Western Islands 1859, Feb. 5
Sylva, John Cape de Verd Isles 1853, Feb. 28
Sylva, John Western Islands 1854, Dec. 15
Sylva, Joseph M. Western Islands 1861, Jan. 15
Sylvia, Antonio Portugal 1846, Oct. 1
Sylvia, Francisco Portugal 1845, Feb. 1
Syren, W. United States of America 1854, Oct. 9

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