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Registry Naturalized Subjects

Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)

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Name: Native of: Naturalized:
Haaki, Deidrich Germany 1868, Feb. 27
Hacket, James United States of America 1844, Dec. 13
Hackfeld, John Germany 1864, Dec. 13
Hadley, James C. Great Britain 1850, March 12
Haesel, Heinrich Germany 1845, Jan. 16
Hagan, Martin United States of America 1882, June 24
Hager, Anton Germany 1858, Sept. 24
Hager, G. Germany 1865, March 15
Hahaa China 1859, March 7
Hahaa China 1863, April 27
Haiaa China 1857, June 3
Hains, Charles Prussia 1874, Aug. 5
Halborn, John Great Britain 1845, Nov. 24
Hall, Charles United States of America 1846, July 2
Hall, Edward Great Britain 1850, July 26
Hall, Edwin O. United States of America 1849, May 14
Hall, George Great Britain 1873, Oct. 13
Hall, Isaac D. United States of America 1869, Sept. 3
Hall, William Great Britain 1854, Dec. 4
Halladay, Richard Great Britain 1850, Aug. 10
Hallock, Smith United States of America 1856, March 1
Halsey, Charles H. United States of America 1854, Oct. 3
Halsey, J.S. United States of America 1851, June 28
Halsey, Samuel H. United States of America 1857, Dec. 22
Halstead, John J. United States of America 1844, Sept. 3
Halstead, Joseph Great Britain 1852, July 17
Halstead, Robert Great Britain 1887, Oct. 3
Halton, E.S. United States of America 1845, Nov. 1
Hamarue China 1855, June 13
Hamblin, W.E. Great Britain 1857, Jan. 31
Hames, Benj. United States of America 1845, April 30
Hamilton, George United States of America 1855, April 16
Hamilton, Peter Sweden 1858, March 29
Hamilton, William Jamaica 1855, Dec. 3
Hamlin, F.H. United States of America 1869, March 24
Hammond, Francis United States of America 1845, June 4
Hammond, W.H. United States of America 1882, Aug. 24
Hanale Marquesas 1845, Nov. 14
Hanchett, S.P. United States of America 1848, May 27
Hang Lum China 1892, Aug. 29
Hang Same, C. China 1886, Aug. 24
Hangee China 1860, Feb. 6
Hanks, F.L. United States of America 1847, May 28
Hannet, John Great Britain 1850, Nov. 29
Hanson, P. Norway 1855, Sept. 5
Harde, Bernhard Germany 1871, Feb. 9
Harding, Francis E. United States of America 1845, Aug. 11
Harding, S.G. Great Britain 1860, June 1
Hardy, George Great Britain 1851, May 8
Hardy, J. United States of America 1851, Dec. 10
Hardy, J. United States of America 1878, June 8
Hare, J.H. United States of America 1879, Oct. 22
Harfield, J.W. Great Britain 1867, Aug. 21
Harper, E.B. Great Britain 1867, April 12
Harper, John United States of America 1849, Feb. 21
Harris, Charles C. United States of America 1850, Sept. 23
Harris, F.H. United States of America 1868, Nov. 2
Harris, Orin J. United States of America 1850, Dec. 21
Harrison, John Great Britain 1856, March 7
Hart, C.F. Great Britain 1863, June 12
Hart, C.W. United States of America 1882, July 23
Hart, Isaac S. United States of America 1844, Aug. 9
Hart, Stephen Great Britain 1844, Dec. 7
Hartwell, Alfred S. United States of America 1868, Sept. 30
Hartz, William Germany 1855, Nov. 13
Harvey, M.R. United States of America 1850, March 7
Haslet, John D. Great Britain 1851, Feb. 5
Hassard, James G. United States of America 1845, July 9
Hassel, James United States of America 1844, Oct. 23
Hassenger, J.A. United States of America 1861, Oct. 8
Hasslocher, J.J.E. Germany 1861, Oct. 29
Hastings, Frank P. United States of America 1891, March 27
Hatch, F.M. United States of America 1878, Jan. 9
Hathaway, George W. United States of America 1845, Jan. 13
Hattermann, H. Germany 1865, March 15
Hauly, Daniel Ireland 1854, Dec. 12
Havekost, J.D. Germany 1849, Feb. 28
Having, William G. United States of America 1862, July 12
Haward, Charles United States of America 1858, Dec. 22
Hawkes, Edward Great Britain 1844, Dec. 20
Hawkesworth, William Great Britain 1852, Nov. 19
Hayley, B. Great Britain 1882, Aug. 4
Hayman, Joseph Prussia 1882, April 7
Hayselden, F.H. Great Britain 1879, June 25
Hayward, J.W. United States of America 1848, Feb. 8
Hebbard, H.F. Canada 1887, Aug. 9
Hechtel, H.P.C. Germany 1871, Jan. 21
Hee Cho China 1890, Aug. 11
Hee Jur Yaw China 1892, Aug. 29
Hee Leong (no signature) China 1890, Oct.
Heen, H.A. China 1891, Sept. 24
Heeper, Charles Great Britain 1855, Nov. 12
Heinemann, George (no signature) Norway 1890, Sept.
Held, T.D. von Germany 1860, Nov. 12
Helms, Peter United States of America 1857, Oct. 20
Hemkeny, Louis Germany 1856, Sept. 3
Hendrick, William United States of America 1845, Dec. 27
Hendrick, W.H. United States of America 1871, Jan. 24
Hendry, Robert E. United States of America 1876, Oct. 11
Henele China 1860, Jan. 28
Henere Ocean Island 1850, Dec. 2
Hennessay, Thomas Great Britain 1844, Dec. 6
Hennessi, Jeremiah United States of America 1851, May 28
Henry, Antonia France 1847, Aug. 23
Herbert, Allen Sweden 1881, July 13
Hering, J.M. Germany 1860, June 14
Hermann, Julius Germany 1853, Aug. 13
Herrick, Isaac United States of America 1853, Oct. 28
Herusberger, Johnson Germany 1855, July 9
Heuck, C.T. Germany 1852, March 1
Hewett, A.M. East Indies 1891, March 25
Hewitt, James United States of America 1851, May 19
Hewlett, William L. United States of America 1845, Dec. 26
Heyn, Edward B. Germany 1854, Nov. 9
Higgins, George W. United States of America 1845, Oct. 22
Higgins, William D. United States of America 1847, Dec. 8
Higginson, D.C. United States of America 1844, June 24
Hiki Tahiti 1861, April 22
Hill, E.P. Great Britain 1852, Dec. 20
Hillebrand, W. Prussia 1865, Jan. 27
Hills, William United States of America 1845, Nov. 13
Hilo New Zealand 1857, Dec. 12
Hind, Robert R. Great Britain 1890, Jan. 24
Hinton, Otho United States of America 1857, May 23
Hirst, Joseph B. Great Britain 1869, March 1
Hitchcock, H.R. United States of America 1849, April 28
Hizueris, Teontino Mexico 1867, Dec. 26
Ho Fon China 1890, July 1
Ho Leong China 1892, July 27
Ho Poi China 1892, Aug. 11
Ho Poo China 1892, Aug. 3
Ho Sang China 1892, Aug. 19
Ho Sun China 1890, Sept. 30
Ho Yee China 1892, Aug. 27
Hobbs, John Great Britain 1844, Nov. 28
Hobron, E.C. United States of America 1864, Jan. 7
Hobron, T.H. United States of America 1851, Jan. 14
Hockchaw, C. China 1892, July 23
Hocking, A. Great Britain 1892, Nov. 28
Hodge, William Great Britain 1844, July 9
Hodgkins, A.R. United States of America 1877, Feb. 6
Hoe China 1857, Jan. 12
Hoen China 1845, Aug. 13
Hoeppener, Andrew Russia 1849, Sept. 1
Hoffman, E. Germany 1850, Dec. 14
Hoffman, Edward Germany 1886, Oct. 25
Hoffschlaeger, E. Germany 1855, July 26
Hoffschlaeger, E. Germany 1871, March 24
Hoke (Jose Mays) Chile 1844, May 23
Holbrock, James United States of America 1844, Sept. 27
Holcomb, Dwight United States of America 1852, July 1
Holct, T. Norway 1866, July 28
Holdsworth, H.S.H. Great Britain 1853, March 31
Hollister, R.S. United States of America 1849, Oct. 17
Holms, Henry Great Britain 1890, Aug. 11
Holstein, H. Denmark 1854, July 1
Holt, David Great Britain 1858, Feb. 23
Honeywell, Charles United States of America 1854, July 23
Hong Quon China 1890, Feb. 25
Hong Wing China 1892, Aug. 10
Hongur, Charles France 1860, May 30
Honina China 1890, Nov. 5
Hons, George Germany 1892, Aug. 12
Hoo Kau China 1892, Aug. 20
Hook, George United States of America 1858, Nov. 16
Hoona Tahiti 1844, Nov. 28
Hoops, Hermann Germany 1876, Dec. 3
Hoouka Society Islands 1857, Oct. 16
Hopeau China 1855, Oct. 16
Hopke, E.F. United States of America 1886, April 12
Hopkins, Charles G. Great Britain 1845, March 29
Hornblower, William Great Britain 1844, Dec. 24
Horner, A. United States of America 1890, Jan. 23
Horner, Charles F. United States of America 1887, Aug. 8
Horner, John M. United States of America 1890, Jan. 23
Horner, W.Y. Sr. United States of America 1890, June 4
Hoting, M. Germany 1864, Nov. 24
Hotolan, William United States of America 1859, April 13
Hottmeyer, S. Denmark 1851, July 18
Hough, James United States of America 1844, Nov. 23
Houghtailing, G.W. United States of America 1849, Nov. 26
Houghton, F. Cape de Verd Isles 1866, Feb. 24
House, John United States of America 1848, Aug. 25
Houston, Alex. France 1858, Feb. 23
Houston, O.H. United States of America 1854, Feb. 16
How Chong China 1892, July 9
Howard, C. DeW. United States of America 1862, Jan. 11
Howard, Daniel United States of America 1862, July 1
Howard, Dexter United States of America 1845, Dec. 29
Howard, George Sweden 1881, June 16
Howard, William United States of America 1845, Oct. 31
Howard, Willliam Great Britain 1850, March 13
Howe, A.B. United States of America 1850, Sept. 18
Howe, George W. United States of America 1855, Jan. 9
Howland, Henry S. United States of America 1849, July 14
Hozell, Charles Great Britain 1857, July 30
Huanu Peru 1844, May 23
Hubbell, Josiah B. United States of America 1844, Dec. 6
Huddy, William United States of America 1850, Aug. 24
Hudson, W.E.H. United States of America 1859, Feb. 4
Huene China 1856, Sept. 29
Hueston, George A. United States of America 1870, March 18
Huff, Charles P. United States of America 1852, Sept. 13
Huffnung, A. Great Britain 1886, Dec. 29
Huffnung, S.B.F. Great Britain 1886, Dec. 29
Hughes, W. Great Britain 1846, July 13
Hughes, W. Ireland 1861, Nov. 20
Hughes, W. Ireland 1862, March 13
Hugho, S.S.A. Austria 1875, March 15
Hughs, James United States of America 1850, May 25
Hulim China 1856, Sept. 15
Humphreys, Moses United States of America 1850, Sept. 20
Humphries, B.H. United States of America 1852, Nov. 17
Humphreys, W. Great Britain 1851, Nov. 19
Humphreys, William Great Britain 1867, Dec. 28
Hundsdoerffer, F.W. Prussia 1853, Nov. 1
Hunt, Charles United States of America 1853, Feb. 4
Hurcomb, Daniel Great Britain 1849, Dec. 27
Hutchinson, Francis B. Great Britain 1875, Sept. 29
Hutchison, F.W. Great Britain 1854, Sept. 7
Hutson, Henry West Indies 1851, Jan. 7
Hyde, T.J. Great Britain 1865, April 1

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