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Registry Naturalized Subjects

Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)

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Name: Native of: Naturalized:
Laa (Alias Bill) Rutumah 1868, Oct. 30
Labbe, Francis France 1847, Oct. 30
Ladd, W.N. United States of America 1864, July 5
Laekila China 1858, Jan. 28
Lai Hoon (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Lai Kim China 1892, July 29
Lake, Anthony United States of America 1850, Dec. 4
Lake, Charles United States of America 1850, April 10
Lake, Christopher E. United States of America 1852, June 8
Lake, G.M. United States of America 1883, April 2
Lake, Nelson United States of America 1852, Jan. 3
Lake, Samuel A. United States of America 1844, Oct. 14
Lake, William H. United States of America 1845, Dec. 5
Lako China 1855, Dec. 3
La Marshall, Isaac United States of America 1845, April 26
Lamb, C.B. United States of America 1848, Sept. 12
Lamb, Dorothea Great Britain 1891, Nov. 26
Lambert, William M. United States of America 1870, March 22
Lam Chuck China 1892, Aug. 11
Lam Fai China 1892, July 9
Lam In Chew China 1892, Aug. 27
Lam Kam China 1892, Aug. 9
Lam Kam Chin China 1890, Oct. 12
Lam Kee Wing China 1890, Sept. 24
Lam Man Chan China 1892, July 29
Lam Sai China 1892, Aug. 24
Lam Toi China 1892, July 21
Lam Yip China 1890, July 5
Lan Chong China 1892, July 29
Lane, William United States of America 1854, Sept. 13
Lane, William Henry Nova Scotia 1872, May 25
Langley, E.W. Great Britain 1890, July 18
Laper, John New Zealand 1861, April 30
Lapert, Louis France 1861, May 1
Lapper, John United States of America 1850, July 24
Larisck, Charles Prussia 1869, Nov. 17
Larkin, Peter Canada 1853, Oct. 7
Lathrop, James United States of America 1855, Dec. 15
Lau Asing China 1892, Aug. 23
Lau Chack China 1892, Aug. 13
Lau Chong China 1887, Aug. 8
Lau Chuck (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Lau Chun China 1892, July 23
Lau Cun Yan China 1892, Aug. 13
Lau Hoon China 1892, July 29
Lau Ko China 1890, Sept. 27
Lau Lin China 1892, Aug. 3
Lau Niu China 1890, Sept. 25
Lau Ping China 1892, Aug. 24
Lau Yuen China 1892, Aug. 3
Lauchona China 1857, Dec. 19
Laugee, Joel B. United States of America 1871, Oct. 16
Laurence, Edward Great Britain 1849, March 1
Lauza, Sebastain Malta 1857, Sept. 19
Lavelli, R.J. Cape de Verd Isles 1863, May 18
Law, James A. United States of America 1853, Oct. 13
Lawrence, Andrew Cape de Verd Isles 1859, Feb. 3
Lawrence, Andrew United States of America 1868, June 20
Lazarus, J. Great Britain 1856, May 1
Leal, Joseph Western Islands 1871, Dec. 4
Leang Hook China 1892, Aug. 26
Leary, John Ireland 1862, Nov. 22
Leda, J.T. Isle of St. Miguel 1882, July 27
Lee Chin Wa China 1890, Oct. 22
Lee Chun China 1878, March 11
Lee, David J. United States of America 1868, July 23
Lee Fuey China 1892, Aug. 9
Lee Ho China 1892, Aug. 3
Lee Kan China 1890, Dec. 24
Lee Loy China 1871, Jan. 27
Lee Lung China 1892, Aug. 23
Lee Peng China 1892, July 27
Lee Shun China 1892, Aug. 8
Lee Sue China 1892, July 29
Lee, Walter Great Britain 1859, March 22
Leeson, Edward Great Britain 1847, June 12
Legolf, Louis France 1850, Jan. 3
Legot, Frank France 1855, Oct. 6
Lei Tow Hoon China 1890, July 3
Lemin, John Great Britain 1844, Nov. 25
Lemoine, G.D. United States of America 1847, Sept. 1
Lemon, J.S. United States of America 1865, Aug. 23
Lengo, Jose Manila 1860, March 3
Leon, Frank Guam 1852, Nov. 11
Leong Hee (no signature) China 1890, Oct.
Leong Kee China 1891, Dec. 9
Leong, L.K. China 1890, Oct. 17
Leong Sam China 1892, July 27
Leong Tung China 1892, Aug. 11
Leper, Edgar Great Britain 1852, Nov. 4
Lerch, Edward Prussia 1871, Feb. 6
Lesser, S. Germany 1891, May 1
Levey, Samuel J. Canada 1884, Jan. 22
Levi Rurotouga 1857, Dec. 26
Levien, G.E. Great Britain 1851, March 1
Levien, Joseph B. Great Britain 1851, Oct. 3
Levingston, Lewis United States of America 1851, Jan. 13
Lewa, Ben Raratoga 1854, April 6
Lewers, C.H. Ireland 1866, April 14
Lewin, William Canada 1863, April 16
Lewis Guam 1857, Oct. 8
Lewis, G.W. United States of America 1851, March 1
Lewis, James United States of America 1845, Jan. 9
Lewis, James United States of America 1846, June 18
Lewis, James L. United States of America 1860, Jan. 2
Lewis, Joseph Jamaica 1871, Feb. 3
Lewis, Manuel Western Islands 1851, Mar. 27
Lewis, Peter United States of America 1848, Nov. 27
Lewis, Thomas United States of America 1845, June 11
Lewison, John New Zealand 1845, Jan. 13
Leyn, Felix France 1844, Dec. 11
Li Cheung China 1882, April 24
Li Sam China 1868, Feb. 12
Lidgate, Anthony Canada 1885, Nov. 9
Liilii, Palai United States of America 1844, June 13
Liitin China 1865, Feb. 13
Likini China 1858, Aug. 31
Lima China 1858, Oct. 23
Lima, Joseph Western Islands 1873, Nov. 15
Limeana China 1856, Aug. 22
Limpoon China 1858, June 28
Lin China 1856, Feb. 11
Lin Tai China 1890, Dec. 22
Lindemann, E. Prussia 1892, Jan. 19
Lindgrin, A.W. Sweden 1849, March 20
Lindsay, John Great Britain 1852, Nov. 17
Lindsey, G.K. Great Britain 1853, Sept. 22
Ling Sing China 1892, Aug. 3
Link China 1856, Dec. 6
Linn, Gustaf Sweden 1844, Dec. 25
Lippins, John West Indies 1848, June 6
Lippitt, John United States of America 1851, June 28
Lishman, Robert Great Britain 1876, Dec. 30
Little, Thomas Great Britain 1845, May 5
Liu Man (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Liua China 1859, Nov. 14
Lloyd, Thomas A. Great Britain 1883, April 2
Lloyd, James L. St. Helena 1852, Oct. 28
Lloyd, L. Ireland 1863, Feb. 16
Locke, W.W. United States of America 1854, Sept. 7
Loebenstein, A.B. United States of America 1884, Aug. 9
Loewenberg, Albert Germany 1885, Dec. 4
Loffler, August Sweden 1871, Feb. 9
Logan, Norman Canada 1890, Aug. 16
Lok Chong China 1892, July 28
Lomuivi China 1858, Sept. 29
Long, Charles Italy 1873, Feb. 5
Long, Thomas United States of America 1851, Dec. 9
Loo Chit Sam China 1890, Feb. 17
Loo Hee Kim China 1892, Aug. 26
Loo Joe China 1890, July 7
Loo Ngawk, A.H. China 1884, Feb. 29
Loo Sing China 1892, Aug. 11
Look Chu China 1892, Aug. 15
Loper, Bras Western Islands 1867, Jan. 19
Loper, Laurence Cape de Verd Isles 1864, Dec. 28
Lopes, Antone Cape de Verd Isles 1870, Jan. 17
Lopez, Peter Cape de Verd Isles 1848, Nov. 29
Lorenzen, T.C. Germany 1891, April 20
Lose, H. Germany 1891, April 28
Lou Sheu (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Lou Shou (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Louchwood, James United States of America 1854, March 23
Loud, Joseph United States of America 1856, Nov. 22
Louis, S. France 1849, Dec. 24
Louzada, I. United States of America 1855, March 8
Louzada, James United States of America 1855, Nov. 6
Lovell, Joseph United States of America 1847, Feb. 5
Lovridge, B.L. United States of America 1856, Aug. 2
Low, J.L. United States of America 1857, Feb. 24
Low Poi China 1892, July 23
Lown, John H. United States of America 1869, Nov. 30
Lowrey, Nellie M. United States of America 1889, July 10
Lucas, James United States of America 1855, May 10
Lucas, John Great Britain 1844, May 28
Luce, George H. Great Britain 1851, Sept. 9
Ludlum, William United States of America 1850, Aug. 7
Lugay China 1863, June 16
Luham, Joseph M. Guam 1869, Dec. 6
Luk M. Chan China 1892, Aug. 24
Luk Sing China 1869, Sept. 14
Luke Cho China 1892, Aug. 19
Luke Ngawk China 1892, Aug. 19
Lulu, Jim Society Islands 1854, March 15
Lum Ching China 1892, July 29
Lum Chung Wa China 1886, Aug. 19
Lum Hee China 1892, Aug. 13
Lum Im (also Im Lum) China 1877, June 25
Lum Kui China 1892, July 23
Lum Lung China 1892, July 27
Lum Say Kan China 1889, June 10
Lum Sing China 1890, Oct. 17
Lum Sing China 1892, Aug. 3
Lum Tow China 1871, May 26
Lum Wai China 1892, Aug. 23
Lupan, Jose Spain 1844, Dec. 18
Lupo, Johnny Samoa 1870, Dec. 17
Luproil, George United States of America 1881, April 25
Lups, Manuel Cape de Verd Isles 1849, May 17
Luscomb, H.A. United States of America 1880, Jan. 5
Luscombe, Charles H. United States of America 1870, Dec. 9
Lutz, George Germany 1859, March 23
Lydgate, J.M. Canada 1885, Oct. 14
Lyman, D.B. United States of America 1851, June 10
Lynch, John Great Britain 1844, Nov. 5
Lynch, T.F. (see also Tynch) United States of America 1854, March 3
Lyons, Lorenzo United States of America 1851, June 6
Lyons, T. United States of America 1855, Dec. 29

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