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Registry Naturalized Subjects

Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)

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Name: Native of: Naturalized:
Caine, John T. United States of America 1855, Oct. 15
Camara, J.M. Portugal 1889, Nov. 29
Campbell, A. Great Britain 1853, March 14
Campbell, Alex. Jamaica 1856, July 24
Campbell, James Great Britain 1853, March 22
Campbell, W. Germany 1860, Nov. 9
Canada, Caesar United States of America 1845, Sept. 30
Candage, Samuel United States of America 1856, Feb. 12
Canterbury, B.F. United States of America 1848, Sept. 18
Capat, John Singapore 1852, June 8
Carados, N. Portugal 1855, Nov. 12
Carlos, Manuel West Indies 1866, Jan. 26
Carniot, A. France 1854, July 26
Carol, William United States of America 1845, June 11
Caron, Joseph United States of America 1845, Sept. 30
Carr, Carlton United States of America 1850, Jan. 21
Carrara, Jose Guayaquil 1847, Aug. 16
Carroll, Charles United States of America 1852, Nov. 11
Carsley, G.F. United States of America 1855, June 19
Carter, John Great Britain 1849, Nov. 28
Carter, John Canada 1852, Jan. 6
Carter, Joseph United States of America 1847, Sept. 29
Carunau, Pedro Manila 1856, June 21
Casey, Thomas Great Britain 1848, April 28
Cash, Charles United States of America 1867, June 21
Cason, R.L. United States of America 1845, May 16
Castile, Juan Mexico 1866, Nov. 29
Castillo, Rodoff Lower California 1871, July 6
Castle, Daniel United States of America 1844, June 24
Castle, Samuel N. United States of America 1853, July 14
Cata, Jose Guam 1855, Nov. 9
Cathcarte, William United States of America 1867, Sept. 23
Caton, Antonio Western Islands 1850, Jan. 3
Cavanah, John Great Britain 1848, Sept. 9
Cayler, Daniel United States of America 1844, Dec. 11
Ceger, M. United States of America 1855, March 13
Celestrin Cape de Verd Isles 1853, Sept. 20
Cellery, Hiram United States of America 1846, June 3
Cesar, John Batavia 1865, Aug. 10
Chack Tong China 1892, July 23
Chadwick, C.H. United States of America 1855, June 4
Cham China 1857, April 16
Chamberlin, H.M. United States of America 1850, Feb. 18
Chamberlyne, R.K. United States of America 1854, Oct. 9
Chambers, William Jamaica 1855, Nov. 6
Chan Know China 1892, Aug. 23
Chandler, Silas United States of America 1845, Feb. 27
Chang Chock China 1892, Aug. 10
Chang Chock Kun China 1892, Aug. 9
Chang Chub China 1892, July 22
Chang Din Sing China 1890, July 1
Chang Fat China 1890, Nov. 12
Chang Hock China 1892, July 29
Chang Hoy China 1892, Aug. 19
Chang Hung Lai China 1892, July 23
Chang Jun Sing China 1892, July 23
Chang Kee China 1892, July 23
Chang Kong China 1891, March 6
Chang Quai China 1892, Aug. 15
Chang Sing China 1890, Oct. 27
Chang Tai China 1890, Nov. 26
Chang Tai Ting China 1890, Nov. 26
Chang Tang China 1892, July 15
Chang Tuck China 1892, July 29
Chang Tuck King China 1892, July 27
Chang Yee China 1892, Aug. 9
Chantler, Edward Great Britain 1853, Dec. 29
Chapin, V.P. United States of America 1851, Jan. 14
Chapman, B.F. United States of America 1854, Aug. 4
Chapman, Frank J. United States of America 1888, Aug. 8
Chapman, J.A. Great Britain 1862, April 21
Chapman, James United States of America 1867, Dec. 3
Chapman, Louis Gibralter 1859, Jan. 26
Chapman, Stephen P. United States of America 1844, June 14
Charles, William Barbadoes 1849, Nov. 28
Charlson, C. Russia 1854, Dec. 12
Charman, George Great Britain 1844, Nov. 9
Chave, R.B. Great Britain 1875, April 26
Chea China 1855, Dec. 21
Chee Chow On (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Chee Fo Min (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Cheeseborough, J.L. United States of America 1859, Sept. 9
Chee Wai Hen (no signature) China 1892, Aug.
Chee Waihoon China 1892, Aug. 26
Cheong Chow China 1892, Aug. 9
Cheong King (confiscated) China 1892, Aug. 26
Cherry, William United States of America 1859, Jan. 31
Child, B.W. United States of America 1878, Dec. 9
Chillingworth, Samuel F. Ireland 1867, July 13
Chin China 1862, June 23
Chin Chew Yee China 1892, Aug. 20
Chindock China 1892, July 13
Ching Chun China 1892, Aug. 24
Ching Lock China 1886, Oct. 18
Ching Pau China 1892, Aug. 9
Ching Shai China 1890, Dec. 24
Chinio China 1857, Jan. 13
Chinkau China 1859, March 12
Chin Yuen China 1892, Aug. 26
Chock Chee China 1890, Oct. 27
Chock Chong China 1892, Aug. 26
Chock Chune China 1892, Aug. 4
Chock Look China 1892, July 28
Chock Sing China 1890, Nov. 29
Chock Sing China 1892, Aug. 23
Chong Fong China 1892, Aug. 10
Chong Ken China 1892, July 21
Chong Lee (confiscated) China 1892, Aug. 10
Chong Wing China 1892, Aug. 22
Chong Yong China 1892, Aug. 29
Choung Tuck Poi China 1890, Sept. 27
Chow Kock Sun China 1892, July 28
Christhoff, C.W.H. St. Domingo 1852, Nov. 25
Christian, Charles Norway 1880, Aug. 30
Christiensen, Henry Denmark 1846, June 2
Christophers, Anton Germany 1855, Dec. 18
Chu China 1857, Nov. 20
Chuck Hin China 1892, Aug. 3
Chuck Hoy China 1891, Jan. 3
Chugi China 1856, Oct. 14
Chum China 1861, May 6
Chun Bin Kai China 1892, July 15
Chun Boo China 1892, Aug. 9
Chun Kan China 1892, Aug. 26
Chun Lo China 1892, Aug. 23
Chun Ming China 1890, July 7
Chun Nam China 1892, Aug. 17
Chun Sin China 1892, Aug. 19
Chung Fook China 1892, July 29
Chunghee, C. (forfeited) China 1892, July 29
Chung Hoon China 1867, Jan. 17
Chung Hoy China 1890, Dec. 23
Chung Hoy China 1892, Aug. 12
Chung Hung China 1864, June 5
Chung Hung China 1892, Aug. 24
Chunglau China 1861, Aug. 31
Chung Lin China 1892, Aug. 23
Chung See China 1890, Sept. 24
Chung Sing China 1890, Oct. 14
Chungtaun China 1864, July 23
Chung Young China 1892, Aug. 15
Church, W. United States of America 1855, Nov. 17
Cingosalem Arabia 1853, Dec. 3
Clapp, John United States of America 1846, Jan. 9
Clark, Asa United States of America 1845, Dec. 16
Clark, A.W. United States of America 1892, March 21
Clark, C.W. United States of America 1853, Feb. 14
Clark, David B. United States of America 1850, Jan. 28
Clark, E.W. United States of America 1849, May 19
Clark, F. United States of America 1866, June 23
Clark, George Canada 1851, April 7
Clark, George Great Britain 1866, April 10
Clark, John Great Britain 1840, Feb. 11
Clark, John United States of America 1854, March 21
Clark, John United States of America 1854, Nov. 18
Clark, Madison United States of America 1844, Aug. 5
Clark, Rufus United States of America 1851, May 9
Clark, Thomas Great Britain 1867, Dec. 23
Clark, Thomas K. Canada 1874, Aug. 22
Clark, William Great Britain 1867, April 12
Clarke, Ferdinand L. United States of America 1871, March 1
Clarke, J. United States of America 1856, Jan. 14
Clarke, William Great Britain 1845, June 9
Claussen, August Germany 1871, Feb. 9
Cleghorn, Archibald S. Great Britain 1870, Aug. 31
Clement, Charles France 1861, July 19
Cleveland, J.F. United States of America 1868, May 22
Clifford, Edward United States of America 1856, Jan. 14
Cling Ninam China 1889, Dec. 16
Cling On China 1890, June 18
Clinton, Adam Great Britain 1850, Nov. 15
Clossy, A.P. United States of America 1851, Dec. 22
Clough, Thomas B. United States of America 1851, Dec. 15
Cluney, J.C. United States of America 1878, May 28
Cobley, A.B.H. United States of America 1856, June 30
Coe, Albert United States of America 1851, Feb. 21
Coffin, Edward S. United States of America 1850, March 28
Coffin, Ephraim Great Britain 1844, Nov. 26
Coffin, George M. United States of America 1851, Dec. 22
Coggeshall, G.W. United States of America 1855, Sept. 5
Cogui, Ernest Germany 1859, May 4
Cohen, Gustav Russia 1879, Aug. 11
Colburn, John F. United States of America 1854, Jan. 16
Cole, Henry United States of America 1854, June 28
Cole, J.H. United States of America 1861, April 18
Coleman, George Great Britain 1845, July 9
Coleman, William Great Britain 1845, Feb. 1
Coles, William H. East Indies 1844, May 23
Collins, Benj. W. United States of America 1845, Nov. 11
Collins, Douglas Great Britain 1882, May 26
Collins, C.W. United States of America 1853, Feb. 25
Collins, Jacob United States of America 1855, Nov. 24
Collins, Jeremiah United States of America 1857, April 11
Collins, John United States of America 1844, May 21
Collins, Walter Great Britain 1846, Nov. 5
Collins, William Great Britain 1849, May 25
Collyer, John E. United States of America 1871, Oct. 5
Colson, C.J. Sweden 1845, Nov. 11
Comes, William United States of America 1844, Sept. 20
Commaford, Patrick Great Britain 1851, Feb. 21
Comstock, Alex. United States of America 1858, April 23
Comstock, C.F. United States of America 1855, Nov. 15
Con Sin China 1870, Jan. 15
Conant, Henry United States of America 1850, Jan. 26
Conception, Jose Guam 1850, Nov. 7
Conchee, A. China 1890, Oct. 13
Coney, John H. United States of America 1852, March 2
Conna, John United States of America 1851, June 25
Conner, John United States of America 1845, Nov. 25
Connor, Thomas United States of America 1856, Oct. 28
Conway, William Great Britain 1856, May 27
Cook, E.F. United States of America 1855, Aug. 9
Cook, Henry United States of America 1861, Feb. 19
Cook, John Cape de Verd Isles 1868, Dec. 1
Cook, Joseph United States of America 1856, Nov. 18
Cooke, Amos Starr United States of America 1850, March 20
Cooke, Charles C. United States of America 1849, Dec. 7
Cooke, John Great Britain 1851, March 3
Cooks, William United States of America 1845, Nov. 11
Cooper, Henry Great Britain 1870, Oct. 12
Cooper, William Great Britain 1853, Dec. 9
Coopers, T.F. Great Britain 1854, April 15
Cope, Thomas United States of America 1844, June 29
Copp, Charles Great Britain 1846, Jan. 12
Cornay, Robert Great Britain 1845, Oct. 8
Cornel, James United States of America 1845, April 23
Cornwell, D. United States of America 1862, Oct. 2
Cornwell, H. United States of America 1879, March 12
Cornwell, William H. United States of America 1885, June 29
Correa, A.G. Portugal 1892, June 20
Corry, James Great Britain 1848, April 3
Corssen, H. Germany 1859, Oct. 27
Cortes, Henry Great Britain 1844, Nov. 27
Cortis, Constant France 1848, July 4
Costa, F. da Western Islands 1857, Jan. 2
Costai, Antone Western Islands 1858, Nov. 12
Costen, George United States of America 1850, Sept. 20
Costey, Leon France 1845, Jan. 29
Cotton, Andrew J. United States of America 1852, Oct. 30
Coupe, George Great Britain 1844, Nov. 28
Coville, Cory E. United States of America 1888, May 31
Covington, Richard Great Britain 1882, July 25
Cox, John Sweden 1864, Aug. 27
Cox, W.W. United States of America 1855, Oct. 23
Crabb, Horace G. United States of America 1850, Dec. 10
Craft, Benj. United States of America 1844, July 23
Crane, Ezra D. United States of America 1869, Feb. 24
Cranfield, Charles Apica 1854, Jan. 14
Crawford, E.J. United States of America 1855, May 1
Crawford, H. Rarotonga 1856, March 24
Crawford, James United States of America 1852, Oct. 18
Crawford, John A. United States of America 1845, Dec. 4
Crediford, James United States of America 1863, Aug. 14
Creighton, Charles New Zealand 1890, July 16
Crichton, R. Great Britain 1864, Dec. 3
Crocker, George W. United States of America 1848, Jan. 18
Cross, C.L. United States of America 1851, Nov. 15
Cross, John Chile 1870, March 7
Croswell, H.J.G. United States of America 1852, April 9
Crowder, John Great Britain 1846, Jan. 12
Crowell, Hastel F. United States of America 1852, Sept. 9
Crowell, John United States of America 1870, July 20
Crowell, J.M. United States of America 1865, April 15
Crowningburg, William United States of America 1848, Feb. 2
Cruce, Cipranodela Guam 1844, Dec. 18
Cruize, Philip Guam 1857, May 8
Cruz, Antonio Western Islands 1882, July 17
Cruz, Domingo Guyaquil 1850, May 11
Cruz, Jos. de la Guam 1856, Dec. 1
Cullen, S. Ireland 1866, Feb. 28
Cutrell, W.E. United States of America 1854, Nov. 21
Cummings, Preston United States of America 1847, June
Cummings, P.A. United States of America 1851, July 12
Cummings, Thomas B. United States of America 1844, July 24
Cummins, Thomas United States of America 1869, Dec. 15
Cunha, E.S. Azores 1890, Jan. 29
Cunia, John de Azores 1870, March 18
Cunningham, Robert H. United States of America 1857, Oct. 21
Curran, Patrick Ireland 1858, April 14
Currie, James Great Britain 1868, Feb. 3
Currier, John A. United States of America 1853, Feb. 14
Curry, John Great Britain 1852, Dec. 13
Curtis, William United States of America 1849, Dec. 24
Cury, John Great Britain 1845, Jan. 3

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