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International Proceedings

Hawaiian Kingdom Protest and Demand filed with United Nations General Assembly against the United States of America
and one hundred seventy-two (172) member-States of the United Nations


Annex 1: Hawaiian Kingdom's Acceptance of the Obligations of Pacific Settlement
Annex 2: Anglo-French Proclamation Recognizing Hawaiian Independence (Nov. 28, 1843)
Annex 3: United States Recognition of Hawaiian Independence (July 6, 1844)
Annex 4: Hawaiian Constitution (1864)
Annex 5: Chapter VIII—Department of Foreign Affairs, Compiled Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom (1884)
Annex 6: Hawaiian-United States Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (December 20, 1849)
Annex 7: Hawaiian-United States Treaty of Commercial Reciprocity (January 13, 1875)
Annex 8: Hawaiian-United States Postal Convention Concerning Money Orders (September 11, 1883)
Annex 9: Hawaiian-United States Supplementary Convention to the 1875 Treaty of Commercial Reciprocity (December 6, 1884)
Annex 10: Lili'uokalani assignment (January 17, 1893) through Exchange of Notes
Annex 11: Treason—Penal Code of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Annex 12 Agreement of restoration (December 18, 1893) through Exchange of Notes
Annex 13: New York Tribune (January 14, 1894)
Annex 14: St. Paul Sunday Globe newspaper (January 14, 1894)
Annex 15: The Princeton Union newspaper (January 18, 1894)
Annex 16: Hawai'i Holomua newspaper (January 24, 1894)
Annex 17: Diplomatic Protest by Queen Lili'uokalani (June 17, 1897)
Annex 18: Protests by the Hawaiian Patriotic League and the Hawaiian Political Association (July 24, 1897)
Annex 19: Signature Petition 21,269 signatures Protesting Annexation by the Hawaiian Patriotic League (1897)
Annex 20: United States Congress' Joint Resolution to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States (July 7, 1898)
Annex 21: Transcripts of the Secret Session of the United States Senate regarding the occupation of the Hawaiian Islands, May 31, 1898.
Annex 22: United States Congress' An Act To provide a government for the Territory of Hawai'i (April 30, 1900)
Annex 23: United States Congress' An Act To provide for the admission of the State of Hawai'i into the Union (March 18, 1959)
Annex 24: Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom, 119 International Law Reports 566 (2001)
Annex 25: Hawaiian Legislature's Act to Provide for the Registration of Co-partnership Firms, 1880
Annex 26: Deed of General Partnership for Perfect Title Company (December 10, 1995)
Annex 27: Deed of General Partnership for the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company (December 15, 1995)
Annex 28: Deeds of Trust to the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company
Annex 29: Title 3—Legislative Department, Compiled Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom (1884)
Annex 30: Deed of Conveyance from David Keanu Sai to Donald Lewis (February 27, 1996)
Annex 31: Deed of Conveyance from Donald Lewis to Nai'a Ulumaimalu (February 27, 1995)
Annex 32: Notice of Appointment of acting Regent on March 1, 1996, by the Trustees of the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company (March 14, 1996)
Annex 33: Deed of Conveyance from the Trustees of the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company to David Keanu Sai as acting Regent
Annex 34: Newspaper printing of Proclamation of the Restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government by the acting Regent on February 28, 1997 (March 9, 1997)
Annex 35: Privy Council Resolution establishing an acting Council of Regency to replace the acting Regent (September 10, 1999)
Annex 36: Acting Government Letter to Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, President of the Security Council (March 1, 2008).
Annex 37: 1907 Hague Convention, IV, respecting Laws and Customs of War on Land
Annex 38: 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, IV
Annex 39: Austria/Hungary—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (June 18, 1875)
Annex 40: Belgium—Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation (October 4, 1862)
Annex 41: Denmark—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (October 19, 1846)
Annex 42: France—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (October 29, 1857)
Annex 43: Germany—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation and Consular Convention (March 25, 1879)
Annex 44: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (July 10, 1851)
Annex 45: Italy—Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation (July 22, 1863)
Annex 46: Japan—Treaty of Amity and Commerce (August 19, 1871)
Annex 47: Netherlands—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (October 16, 1862)
Annex 48: Portugal—Treaty of Friendship and Commerce (May 5, 1882)
Annex 49: Russia—Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (June 19, 1869)
Annex 50: Spain—Treaty of Peace and Friendship (October 29, 1863)
Annex 51: Switzerland—Treaty of Friendship, Establishment and Commerce (July 20, 1864)
Annex 52: Sweden and Norway—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (July 1, 1852)
Annex 53: 1907 Hague Convention, V, respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers
Annex 54: Universal Postal Union—Additional Act to the Universal Postal Union Convention of June 1, 1878 (March 21, 1885)
Annex 55: War Crime Protests and Demands communicated with the United States Pacific Command without exhibits

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