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National Symbols

Hawaiian Kingdom Heads of State

HHM (His Hawaiian Majesty) King Kamehameha I
also known as Pai'ea
Founder of the Kingdom
Reign: 1810-1819
  HHM King Kamehameha I
HHM King Kamehameha II
also known as Liholiho
Successor to King Kamehameha I
Reign: 1819-1824
HHM King Kamehameha II
HHM King Kamehameha III
also known as Kauikeaouli
Successor to King Kamehameha II
Reign: 1825- Dec. 15, 1854
HHM King Kamehameha III
HHM King Kamehameha IV
also known as Alexander Liholiho
Successor to King Kamehameha III
Reign: Dec. 15, 1854 – Nov. 30, 1863
HHM King Kamehameha IV
HH (Her Highness) Premier Ka'ahumanu V
also known as Victoria Kamamalu
According to the 1852 Constitution the Premier assumes the role of Monarch upon the death of the King. On the day of King Kamehameha IV’s death, Her Highness Premier Ka'ahumanu III, in Privy Council, proclaimed her brother as successor to the Throne.
Reign: November 30, 1863
HH Premier Ka'ahumanu V (Kamamalu)
HHM King Kamehameha V
also known as Lot Kapuaiwa
Successor to King Kamehameha IV
Reign: Nov. 30, 1863 - Dec. 11, 1872
HHM King Kamehameha V
HHM King Lunalilo
also known as William Charles Lunalio
First elected King by the Legislative Assembly.
King Kamehameha V had no successor.
Reign: Jan. 8, 1873- Feb. 3, 1874
HHM King Lunalilo
HHM King Kalakaua
also known as David La'amea Kalakaua
Second elected King by the Legislative Assembly.
King Lunalilo had no successor.
Reign: Feb. 12, 1874 – Jan. 20, 1891
HHM King Kalakaua
HHM Queen Lili'uokalani
also known as Lydia Kamaka'eha Dominis
Successor to King Kalakaua
Reign: Jan. 20, 1891 – Nov. 11, 1917
Her Majesty desired to nominate Princess Ka'iulani in 1891 as her successor to the Hawaiian Throne but was unable to convene the appointed Nobles to confirm her nomination in accordance with article 22 of the 1864 Constitution. The appointed Nobles were prevented from participating in the government as a result of the illegal constitution of July 6, 1887 that provided for a new set of Nobles to be elected by alien residents. Her Majesty died without a legally confirmed Successor to the Hawaiian Throne.
HHM Queen Liliuokalani

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